Monday, August 16, 2010

wholesale children's clothes Kindergarten class for six and seven year olds activities of language J

Kindergarten class for six and seven year olds activities of language: Joyful spring tour preschool education resources Jingzhou municipal government institution kindergarten Zhou Wenxia
Telephone: 13797491103
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First, active background:
The spring arrived, the myriad things recover, everywhere a beautiful picture. We use a glorious weather the day, led the child to arrive at the east gate to go to the spring tour together. In spring tour's process,wholesale children's clothes, the children witnessed the peach blossom to open, the willow branch has been green, the grass germinated. Also has known the moat through teacher's explanation, the city wall function, had known Jingzhou's landmark, made many interesting games together with the little friends, the child interest has been fearless. After returning to the kindergarten, the very long period of time children also at the aftertaste spring tour's pleasure,pumpkin patch kids clothing, mutually were saying spring tour's matter. I thought: The spring tour is the child experiences and the sensation by oneself, why not do I organize a activity, let the child say the spring tour happily. Therefore I have organized this activity.
Second, moving target:
1st, causes the baby through the narration to experience the successful joy, strengthens the baby self-confidence and cooperation consciousness.
2nd, guides the baby sensation spring's chief feature, can feel spring's US, stimulates the baby to explore the nature the interest, strengthens baby's environmental consciousness.
3rd, develops the baby to be glad in the collective bold with continuous language description spring tour's process ability, develops baby's power of observation and the language competence.
Third, active preparation:
1st, the teacher prepares: 'joyful spring tour ' courseware; Leads the child to go to the spring tour beforehand; Painter's brush, paste, white paper.
2nd, the baby prepares: Asks the child to go with the family member spring tour's picture to lead together the kindergarten.
Fourth, active procedure:
(1), starts the part:
The child is reading ' the spring tour ' the nursery song enters the classroom, visits the child does when the spring tour preparatory work picture, which preparatory work before asking the child to speak oneself spring tour, to do? The mood is what kind of? Draws out the subject.
(2), major component:
1st, looks at the courseware, causes the child to the spring tour process recollection.
2nd, invites the child speaks when the spring tour interesting matter, lets everybody share pleasure together.
3rd,educational toddler toys, then looks at the courseware, spring's chief feature which asks the child to speak when spring tour sees.
4th, looked that with child's the electronic photo album which manufactures together with family member spring tour time picture.
5th, asks the child to speak itself and time the family member together spring tour's scene.
6th, the onlooking courseware, guides the baby to summarize spring's chief feature. (the spring has come, the small swallow flew from the south, has made a nest under the eaves. The big tree has germinated, the peach blossom opened. In the river, the small fish in merry tours tours. Spring's scenery was really too beautiful.)

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