Tuesday, August 10, 2010

baby doll [research]Dota6.66 the version A stick god cow echo wounds harms the mechanism research

,baby doll

Author: Drop gate scholar

Dota6.66 shakes God of the Earth Niu AZHANG the + major injury mechanism

鈥heinitialdamagewillgothroughmagicimmunity, theadditionaldamagewillnot.
鈥achunitwithin575AoEoftheinitialblastwillproduceanechowave, dealingdamagetounitsaroundit.
鈥anbeupgradedwithAghanimsScepter, causeseachherohitbytheinitialshockwavetoechothewavetwice.

Good ......Translates rottenly with me to the incorrect English proficiency:

Injury type - black magic
Will not injure the void unit
The initial injury disregards the evil spirit to exempt, the echo injury will be exempted by the evil spirit the resistance
The initial injury scope is 500 yards
In the first wave will injure 575 yard within the unit to produce one to return to the sound wave,girls clothes, will cause the damage to the periphery unit
May by a stick prompt, thus lets the hero produce two to return to the sound wave


Good, then we knew, in the god Niu Da process, has had the following two kind of waves:

One is to 500 yard within units, launches by the cow disregards the earthquake wave which the evil spirit exempts
One is to 575 yard within units, they (also to their launch) send out to the periphery certain yard in unit may exempt by the evil spirit resist return to the sound wave (here to pay attention, sound wave was other day actually will injure the `production ' echo this unit's)

But pays attention, looking from the skill explanation, returns to the sound wave to not to reflect unit to launch. Icefrog has played a small trick in here: The skill showed 鈥渋njures is not the earthquake wave injury which actually at firstthe cow main body sends out, but is the earthquake wave and first bounce time returns to the sound wave to own launch the sum total.

But in fact, because icefrog enlarged has returned to the sound wave the injury, but has not reduced the earthquake wave the injury: Quote: The echo strikes the unit replies the injury promotion: By 35/45/65 becomes 40/55/70

Therefore in fact, both the sum must compared to the skill showing inside injury high such 5-10 spots.

After then has bought a stick's injury also very understand easily: The hero produces one time to the periphery unit to return to the sound wave, certainly this will return to the sound wave also to injure hero


Some people said cannot understand ......I reorganized under

Actually writes this is not to explain that a stick is fierce, is also not to explain that Niu Gaiqiang or was changes is weak. Is only explained why replies the real injury which and the injury which strikes understood according to the skill explanation is dissimilar.


Looks like some people not to understand,koala baby boutique clothing, narrated the flow well with the official way ......Here we stipulate ox head C, the wave named earthquake wave which the ox head itself sends out, around the ox head the unit ejection wave call back the sound wave (these two are a knife tornado do)

Morbid leucorrhoea lineation's part is I adds

Injury type - black magic
Will injure the void unit
The earthquake wave will disregard the evil spirit to exempt, returns to the sound wave injury to exempt by the evil spirit the resistance
The earthquake wave injury scope is 500 yards
In the ox head will execute law time curve ox head 575 yard within the hostile unit under feet to have a wave to return to the sound wave, and periphery 500 yard in hostile units will cause the damage to this unit
The earthquake wave injury is 165/230/285. chapter of sound wave injury is 40/55/70
May by a stick prompt, thus lets the enemy opposite party hero produce two to return to the sound wave

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