Wednesday, August 4, 2010

little girls clothes Lol explodes wound Fu Wen and the armor piercing Fu Wen comparison

First explodes the wound symbol article to need the existence which the storm strikes. Each time Pu attacks may from the armor-piercing symbol article income.

Next certain heroes may rely on the skill to obtain storm striking rate, by now exploded the wound symbol article to be possible to provide the great income. For instance comedian clown's shade escapes,(Related Articlesbaby boutique LOL big inventor several kind of routes capture high level), likes talent .xxl4457 which shoots inserting one: King of the person is also one, the remnant blood knife knife storm strikes is not a question.

Finally Schoolmate EnderA used the simple mathematical formula to calculate has exploded wound Fu Wen and the armor-piercing Fu Wen income

Entire armor-piercing Fu Wen (red as well as big symbol article) protects the armor to penetrate: 29.37
Is left over blue color and yellow, if all attacks fast may +13%,little girls clothes, entire storm striking rate approximately is 6.3% (thanks bailu the correction)

When red and the big symbol literary talent with explodes the wound, the addition is: 33.45%

When the storm strikes appears,homemade kids costumes,

The injury formula is:

Injures = the foundation injury * (100/(100+ to protect armor finally - to protect armor to weaken - protects armor penetration))* (2+ explode wound addition)

In the game initial period, the supposition protects the armor value is 30
By now 100 foundation injuries produced the storm strikes

Entire armor-piercing 100*2*(100/100.63)=198.75
All explodes injuries 100*2.3345*(100/130)=179.58

In the game mid and late part, the supposition protects the armor value is 100
By now 100 foundation injuries produced the storm strikes

Entire armor-piercing 100*2*(100/170.63)=117.21
All explodes injuries 100*2.3345*(100/200)=116.73

If opposite party tank had 200 points to protect the armor
By now 100 foundation injuries produced the storm strikes

Entire armor-piercing 100*2.5*(100/270.63)=92.38
All explodes injuries 100*2.8345*(100/300)=94.48

Then Schoolmate wildfire393 has made some computations

Only then red symbol article 19 armor-piercing to 20% explodes the wound
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 10~109 units to cause more damage

Only then red Fu Wen and big symbol article 30 armor-piercing to 33% explodes the wound
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 17~112 units to cause more damage

Only then red Fu Wen as well as final whispers (armor piercing to bend lastwisper)
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 17~181 units to cause more damage

Only then red Fu Wenda Fu Wen as well as final whispering
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 28~186 units to cause more damage

Only then red symbol article inexhaustible (InfinityEdge)
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 8~156 units to cause more damage

Only then red Fu Wenda Fu Wen as well as inexhaustible
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 14~157 units to cause more damage

Only then red symbol article inexhaustible as well as final whispering
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 22~260 units to cause more damage

Only then red Fu Wenda symbol article inexhaustible as well as final whispering
In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 22~262 units to cause more damage

Red symbol article,best toddler toys 2010, big symbol article, inexhaustible, final whispering, 6 spot armor-piercing talents, 10 spots explode the wound talent, callousness (Brutalizer), as well as Shitake frantic (StarksFever)

In the storm strikes in the situation armor-piercing Fu Wendui to protect the armor value 82~337 units to cause more damage

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