Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who does the silk price rise dramatically is a hand slap

    Since the end of last year, the silk price has risen all the way, and leads the pure silk lining, the silk quilt, the silk-weaving clothes' price climbs successively. Recently, hypes about the capital causes the silk price empty high opinion to cause a clamor, but the concerned expert pointed out that the silk rises in prices reason mainly cost rise. Then the silk rise in price's behind, is the pure cost-push, had the human factor, reporter has yesterday visited the Iwu textile market related merchant.

    The silk product rises a sound piece

    In the guest king market B area 2 building's Tunghiang gold letter silk clothing direct sales place, shop owner Yao Aijuan told the reporters, raw material and the labor cost rise's dual influences, similarly the size and the design silk quilt, each must rise hundred at least. The rise reason is mainly the silkworm cocoon are few, causes the silk price rise. At the end of last year silk each kilogram price only then 160~180 Yuan, this year rose 240~260 Yuan, but the raw silk price also rose to more than 40 ten thousand Yuan/tons by 360,000 Yuan/tons, raw material price came up, natural silk by the price also rose.

    She said that because the factory has managed for several dozens years, with many sericulturist long-term cooperations, the supply has the guarantee. Now with their same dealer, somewhat suspended production, I telephoned to ask couple days ago, now the silkworm cocoon 240 Yuan/kilograms do not sell, generally takes 250 Yuan/kilograms, the supply quite to be also anxious. Yao Aijuan said that old times will be at this time sells the off season, the silk will be had by the price becomes less crowded, but this year price had not fallen.

    The similar situation also appears on the pure silk lining and silk-weaving clothes. Iwu textile firm's Luo Xiaoqin told the reporters, because the pure silk price is high, has been for sale abroad are many, sells internally few, buys to the shop in is the foreigner generally. But started from the end of last year, the pure silk lining price rose, now each meter almost rose 78 Yuan, made pure silk clothes to spend several dozens Yuan, therefore business was somewhat light.

    In a guest king market A area's stall, sells clothes' Miss Wu also to complain: Buys originally the human are not many, now the price came up, buys the human are less. Her stall main management middle and old age clothing, pure silk lining's clothes are not many, because the price is high, she does not dare to stock with goods, worried that cannot sell. She said that in recent years, put on the pure silk clothes' person to be getting fewer and fewer, although was putting on coolly, but the easy wrinkle, to be nipped easily by the insect, the pure pure silk will also have a flavor, not too received welcome.

    The silkworm cocoon underproduction is a principal factor

    Reporter has related Jiaxing's silk afterward by business Mr. Shen woman. Mr. Shen said that takes the silk the main production area, their that side is raises silkworms, the wiredrawing, makes the silk to carry on again the sale. She said that the silk rise in price, the silkworm cocoon underproduction is a principal factor. But the silkworm cocoon underproduction and the locality raise silkworms the person reduction as well as the mulberry tree sown area reduction concerns.

    The year before last had the financial crisis, purchased the silk and the silk fabrics business reduces largely, silk business was very difficult to do, in addition raised silkworms the time-consuming hard sledding, the native raises silkworms the warm drop, but the mulberry tree sown area reduced, also has restricted the silkworm raising business development.

    Mulberry tree's growth cycle takes for several years, 2 Chinese acres places can raise three silkworms, draws wire, but also has the loss. The double cocoon generally (in a cocoon has two silkworms) only to be able to use for to make the quilt, the good white steam filature will only then bring makes the lining, clothes and so on. In addition the agricultural material price, the worker wages and so on has the certain extent rise, pushed the high silk the price.

    In October about the price recedes hopefully

    The silk rise in price, can only through the price conduction mechanism, manifest in the sales terminal. Regarding silk clothing's dealer, also will have what kind of influence? Reporter the telephone interview has been engaged in the clothing foreign trade Mr. Gao. He told the reporters, pure silk lining price in April comes the increase scope to be very big, rose 20% nearly, but this part rises them also only to be able through to raise the product price suitably, the part passes the burden for the consumer.

    Regarding could not accept the high price customer, they will suggest the reduction order form generally, perhaps used other material qualities the lining. Cannot lose money after all sells, regarding insisted that uses the silk lining the old customer, we will suggest the reduction order form, when may wait the price will have recedes to make up the goods again, on the other hand also feared that they will not be able to sell, the risk will be big. But some new customers, we will suggest that will use imitates the pure silk perhaps the polyester fiber, may save except the cost 1/3, externally the difference will not be also big. Certainly feel and the comfort level have certain difference. Mr. Gao said.

    Regarding present slight increase silk price, whether to have recedes, Mr. Gao thought already the top digit will move period of time, should have recedes. But Yao Aijuan indicated: The original silkworm cocoon were last year few, but this year first batch just came up, the price could rise naturally. And so on second batch, the third batch have come up, the silkworm cocoon quantity were many, should be cheap down, but this must wait till in October about.

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