Tuesday, August 10, 2010

newborn baby clothes [captures] preliminary line ball's Wang Zhe the war artisan Pan woods new mil

First this card, was only writes to the new military recruits basic pan, the master may pass by, because myself was also the new military recruits rank new person, therefore played the family regarding the high-end to know to the line are not many, also hoped that everybody thought the incorrect place, might very much advise, heh heh!

Thinks Pan personally, should belong to the high eruption, master the soldier, compared with suitable to hit the running free bureau. If you had just used the skill, CD also not good, should better not go to and the human nakedly to chops, because is a close combat after all, anything has not escaped ability, died, let opposite and you, equipped in the identical level, later 3rd Lian Miaosha the opposite party, the teammate also in the side, in the passer-by bureau usually has not been the tragedy, but the skill was ready completely the situation next 2 level of more tower murder did not have the question.

I choose pan am generally the list, goes out brings =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_0.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_0.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> and 2=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>2=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> or 3=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>1=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> (this chooses custom which PAN only then has, but plays any close combat, I like going out like this, earlier period may bring saves a life with instead kills, have not died in any case, enemy little gained 300 has instead killed money to come back, said again many 20 attacks, 200 blood have made up soldier easily also many). Conservative spot words on =700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_3.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_3.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> brings 1=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_1.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0>1=700) window.open (http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gif);src=http://news.replays.net//news/webdownloadphoto/2010-6-17/1276788523_2.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> goes out, summons the skill choice to flash before and to purify. Plays a DPS belt purification, will not be absolutely wrong, flashes before wants the extraordinary unexpectedly near body, time the necessity may also use for to escape. Also has the sharp pan belt blinding, is the big move uses directly to the human then before the landing with blinding opposite party rate limitation, let him not be able to flee the skill scope. Alters to the transmission the purification the words, after 3-4 levels solves the middle of the mill person, if in the teammate, has the comedian clown or the inventor, loses in the high and low road thick patch of grass for the box or throws a fort, the Sparta 3-4 levels flies, may kill one at least.

Writes down at the game, must have a look at the opposite possible single hero to summon the skill, pays attention slightly has the belt to add the blood, with flashing before in single words, with crisp Pi Duixian suggested that QWEEER such dot, first selects full E is Q, W, so long as first-level. Because E is the biggest eruption skill, but 1 level of Q definitely may the line ball, regardless of you roll fight or kill people, W CD too steadily, had felt that can only get rid one time, therefore 0.1, can the fainting person line, this i.e., the APpan feasibility not be big.

As soon as dispatches troops, so long as the opposite hero makes up the soldier, you come up Q he, Q does CD only then 4 second 30 blue, how belong uses not to love dearly, but a person is very sore, so long as crisp skin Q two on only then half blood. To 2 level of time, must settle on the opportunity, has opportunity WQ2 to link him,newborn baby clothes, if did not have the opportunity, adds after 3 level of QWE3 skills, if the opposite only then 3/4 blood, have not treated and flashes before, even if may strong kill him in tower next station you. I drink 300 mercurochrome at this time generally, then the close tower's attack scope, has flashed before, WEQ third company, E release's time has young Duan to release the process, favors his blood,baby blanket, waits for him only then a blood's time, may direct breaking of contact Q, but just do not use E, has not split out the effect to come on Q, like this has the possibility not to be able to kill. After massacring, walks from the tower, possibly also has half blood, this period of time may hit take up a collection, and so on opposite parties return to the middle of the mill again, you estimated that you had 5 levels, but he only then 2-3 levels, at this time, again suffered a your set of 3rd company, Man Xuedu will possibly die.

Before 6 levels uses up blue, can E on E, be able Q on Q one to 6 levels, anything not to manage, even if the big wave soldier also confiscates, must go home then to buy the equipment decisively, then looked that Lu Bingxian approaches your this side, that group enemy side blood are quite few, the direct serious offense goes to GANK they. At this time they are most only then 4 levels, Man Xuedu may the second kill, is big, do not treat opposite party hero to open in a big way (, if you brought blinding are may try to treat human to open directly in a big way, then blinding opposite party). But as far as possible jumps to them behind goes or jumps to the thick patch of grass, from following GANK they, blows off is greatly may, is the top 3 groups, 3 link GANK to have big, goes back the supplies, is again big. The passer-by rolls the war, as far as possible as subsequent party, if has Man Xuecui the skin, pursues you kill, do not rush to the family to run directly, may try one side to run, at the same time and so on skill CD,3 link CD one well, hides in the thick patch of grass, as soon as he comes, decisive second he.

Finally hoped that everybody pays attention, fallen angel and war queen, with them in Shan Duixian time, do not attempt as far as possible to flush the tower to kill them, or, do not be too obvious, they two shields, may offensive relieve your corona, in me the list murder are innumerable, eats queen one time to owe, I depend, overrun, finally queen's shield files corona, oneself were killed by him. Some purifications do not need to fear that they responded, already returned to the water seepage, but also has in the thick patch of grass instead to kill, may calculate that he walks, E W Q sometimes, the first W words 1 second, just put E he to wake again first, Q has not joined, oneself returned to the water seepage, that also tragedy, rather little killed individual also as far as possible not to need to die, lets opposite party not be able to get up, maintains 3 continually frightens the strength.

With Sparta to line time pays attention to his WE CD to be very long, once has used, becomes the weak trend, does not have any deterrent force, the E scope is quite long 70 degree fan-shaped nearly, therefore his W comes, meets E immediately the words, usually the people meet conditionality toward the backlash, like this center his under cherishes. You may try to walk toward his direction several steps, is like this very easy to leave his AOE scope, because more leaves him to be near, his AOE scope is smaller, or you have the interrupt skill words, may interrupt his E. immediately, once he does not have E is the allow to oppressed nearly, ha, as the physical DPS Sparta estimated that is only one, suitable to hit the preliminary rhythm hero, therefore individual Sparta is only outstanding ganker, when the carry god installed Sparta also not to be able to save the world, the group fought feels weak.

================================= cut-off rule ================================= wrote this to capture in the past, was only because saw many Sparta could not kill people, only then wrote, actually I did not have the deep research, these days have used several, as soon as wrote the attainment to write down, I left install the route to delete, was thought that the beforehand that kind pursued the high injury the method is wrong, the E skill, was a growth very low skill, moreover did not have the AP addition, i.e. 5 level of E skills left infinite, even if 5 javelins hit have hit also only many 250 skill injuries, seemed very magnificent,popular kids toys, but this was onlyEats meal skill. Later period that 250 injuries basic cannot kill people, therefore in leaves installs, felt that should be the same with traditional DPS, the injury and attacks fast adds together, played the later period, Sparta's core skill may say that has become W and R by E, later period's E monomer injury might as well own physics attack injures actually high, when i.e. you attacked fast also arrived at about 2 and person syzygy time, completely does not need WEQ continually, the direct W then physics attack, he escaped on Q, like this felt that the efficiency returned the high spot, suggested that attacked fast adds to 2 may attempt like this, stole half bloodTower.

Only thinks temporarily such selects, if later had thought writes again.

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